汪芳 Fang WANG淫咪咪
² 北京大学地舆学分会学位委员会委员
² 中国城市决策学会学术职责委员会委员
² 中国地皮学会学术职责委员会委员
² Fellow of International Society of the Built Environment
² 注册城市决策师
² 科技部国度科技主张评审会评人人
² 住建部中原拓荒科学技巧奖评审人人
² 国度出书基金会评人人
² 国度5A级旅游景区会评人人
² 2020 获奖东说念主汪芳. 完成单元北京大学.获奖恶果“Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context”.第八届高档学校科学谋划优秀恶果奖(东说念主文社会科学)一等奖.
² 2017 获奖东说念主汪芳、陈彦光、蒋春燕、殷帆、刘扬、陈旭来、徐璐、贺靖、秦跃磊、刘健、陈婕、于枫垚、刘晓宇、吴茜、宗颖俏. 完成单元北京大学.获奖神气“建成环境地点性的决策表面和表率”.2017年度住建部中原拓荒科学技巧奖一等奖.
² 2015 获奖东说念主汪芳、丁学俊、陈彦光、董颖、刘晓宇、王孝龙、郁德强、姜毅、古国杰、彭瑶瑶.完成单元北京大学、西安浐灞生态区地皮储备中心.获奖神气“新式城镇化防护地皮行使决策的优化模式与技巧应用”.2015年度国土资源科学技巧奖二等奖.
² 2016 汪芳、刘清愔.问题是谋划的灵魂——决策专科社会轮廓践诺打听训导选课标准的想考.2016年宇宙高档学校城乡决策学科优秀训导谋划论文.宇宙高档学校城乡决策学科专科带领委员会.
² 2015 汪芳、陈彦光.地舆学类城乡决策专科的社会轮廓践诺打听训导想考.2015年宇宙高档学校城乡决策学科优秀训导谋划论文.宇宙高档学校城乡决策学科专科带领委员会.
² 2013 获奖东说念主汪芳、吕斌、陈彦光.北京大学训导恶果奖校级一等奖(四年评比一次).“培养复合型立异东说念主才的社会轮廓践诺打听训导阅兵实验”.
² 2009 获奖东说念主汪芳、吕斌、宋峰、陈耀华.北京大学训导恶果奖校级一等奖(四年评比一次).“宇宙城市决策专科竞赛带领的训导立异探索” .
² 2006 获奖东说念主汪芳.宝钢陶冶基金优秀教师奖.
² 2007-2016 在宇宙高档学校城市决策专科带领委员会的决策本科训导恶果评优中,汪芳主授课程“社会轮廓践诺打听”的训导恶果,在竞赛中共获取8项一等奖。每年一等奖得奖率约为选送功课总和的1%。
² 中方主执东说念主汪芳,德方主执东说念主Martin Prominski.NSFC-DFG中德兼并谋划小组神气(中德科学中心,编号GZ1457).Urbanization and Locality: Developing a Locality Pattern System with cities along the Yellow River and the Rhine River as cases.起止时辰2018-2021.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.国度当然科学基金面上神气(编号51778005).流动性视角下旧城城市挂念的空间逻辑和地点践诺.起止年月2018-2021.
² 中方主执东说念主汪芳,德方主执东说念主Martin Prominski.NSFC-DFG中德双边研讨会神气(中德科学中心,编号GZ1489).“Water-related Urbanization and Locality: Protection and utilization of water environment as well as planning and design of water space in a sustainable perspective” Sino-German Symposium.起止时辰2018年9月25日-29日.
文轩 探花² 中方主执东说念主汪芳,德方主执东说念主Martin Prominski.NSFC-DFG中德双边兼并谋划神气(中德科学中心,编号GZ1201).Urbanization and Locality: Preserving and developing identity in large-scale urbanization processes with urban landscapes along canals as case studies.起止时辰2016-2019.
² 中方主执东说念主汪芳,德方主执东说念主Martin Prominski.NSFC-DFG中德齐集出书物神气(中德科学中心,编号GZ1156).Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening identity and sustainability by site-specific planning and design (in English, Springer出书).起止时辰2015年.
² 中方主执东说念主汪芳,德方主执东说念主Martin Prominski.NSFC-DFG中德双边研讨会神气(中德科学中心,编号GZ1086).“Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-specific Planning and Design” Sino-German Symposium.起止时辰2014年10月5日-10日.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.国度当然科学基金面上神气(编号51078003).城市挂念谋划相等在城市历史地段保护更新中的应用.起止年月2011-2013.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.陶冶部东说念主文社会科学谋划神气(神气批准号09YJAZH004).地点感谋划相等在城市历史地段保护更新中的应用.起止年月2010-2011.淫咪咪
² 主执东说念主汪芳.北京市当然科学基金(编号8092016).北京城市挂念决策的表面模子和空间建构.北京市当然科学基金委员会.起止年月2009-2011.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.北京大学本科训导阅兵神气(践诺立异育东说念主神气).基于学科交叉的决策蓄意专科社会践诺打听基地拓荒及立异育东说念主探索.起止时辰2019-2021.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.北京大学谋划生陶冶立异主张(深入博士谋划生陶冶轮廓阅兵神气).学科交叉和国际化造就的决策蓄意标的博士生训导阅兵模式探索.起止时辰2019-2020.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.北京大学谋划生课程拓荒神气.景不雅文化系统与评价.起止时辰2014-2016.
² 主执东说念主汪芳,刘雪萍.北京大学实验训导阅兵经费神气.起止时辰2011-2012.
² 主执东说念主汪芳,刘雪萍.北京大学实验训导阅兵经费神气.起止时辰2010-2011.
² 主执东说念主汪芳.北京大学谋划生课程拓荒神气.地舆建筑谋划.起止时辰2009-2011.
² Wang, F.. Geo-Architecture Wandering in the Landscape (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 1). Springer Nature, 2016.【被六大洲的136家藏书楼馆藏,包括哈佛大学藏书楼等】
² Wang, F.. Geo-Architecture Inhabiting the Universe (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 2). Springer Nature, 2016.【被六大洲的160家藏书楼馆藏,包括哈佛大学藏书楼等】
² Wang, F.. Geo-Architecture Blending into Nature (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 3). Springer Nature, 2016.【被六大洲的131家藏书楼馆藏,包括哈佛大学藏书楼等】
² Wang, F.. Symbolism and the Language of Geo-Architecture (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 4). Springer Nature, 2016.【被六大洲的132家藏书楼馆藏,包括哈佛大学藏书楼等】
² Wang F.. Beijing Urban Memory: Historic Buildings and Historic Areas, Central Axes and City Walls. Springer Nature, 2016.【被六大洲的186家藏书楼馆藏,包括哈佛大学藏书楼等】
² Wang, F.. Prominski, M.. Water-Related Urbanization and Locality: Protecting, planning and designing urban water environments in a sustainable way. Springer Nature, 2020.
² Wang, F.. Prominski, M. Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-specific Planning and Design.Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2016.【被六大洲的181家藏书楼馆藏,并成为德国斯普林格出书社的出书物中2016、2017年联结两年下载量前25%的典籍】
² 汪芳.海外知名建筑师丛书之《查尔斯·柯里亚》.北京:中国建筑工业出书社,2003.【被位于伦敦的英国皇家建筑师学会RIBA档案馆保藏】
² 汪芳,吴惠良,朱震峻,吴必虎.城市园林决策理念与解决实务.北京:北京大学出书社,2009.
² Wang, F.*, He, P.W., Yuan, C.C., Wang, S.Y. Isolated or integrated? Evaluation of ageing-friendly communities in Old Beijing City based on accessibility, social inclusion and equity. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020, 29(3): 465-479, https://doi.org/ 10.1177/1420326X19896834journals.sagepub.com/home/ibe.
² Zeng, M., Wang, F.*, Xiang, S.N., Lin, B.Y., Gao, C.G., Li, J.N. Inheritance or variation? Spatial regeneration and acculturation via implantation of cultural and creative industries in Beijing’s traditional compounds. Habitat International, 2020, 95: 102071, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.102071.
² Liu, Z., Wang, F.*, Tang, Z.Y.*, Tang, J.T.. Predictions and driving factors of production-based CO2 emissions in Beijing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 53(2020) 101909, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2019.101909.
² Liu, Z., Wang, S.Y., Wang, F.*. Isolated or integrated? Planning and management of urban renewal for historic areas in old Beijing city, based on the association network system. Habitat International, 2019, 93: 102049, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.102049.
² Wang, F.*, Peng, X., Qin, Y.L., Wang, C.S.*. What can the news tell us about the environmental performance of tourist areas? A text mining approach to China’s National 5A Tourist Areas. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 52(2020) 101818,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2019.101818.
² Du, L.J., Peng, X., Wang, F.*. City walking-trace: How watershed structure and river network changes influenced the distribution of cities in the northern part of the North China Plain. Quaternary International, 2019, 521: 54-65, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.06.014.
² Wang, F.*, Liu, Z., Shang, S.S., Qin, Y.L., Wu, B.H.. Vitality continuation or over-commercialization? Spatial structure characteristics of commercial services and population agglomeration in historic and cultural areas. Tourism Economics, 2019, 25(8): 1302-1326, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816619837129.
² Wang, F.*, Peng, X., Wei, R., Qin, Y.L., Zhu, X.H.. Environmental behavior research in resources conservation and management: A case study of Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019, 141: 431-440, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.10.024.
² Wang, F.*, Lin, S.T., Liu, X.Y., Jiang, C.Y., Li, J.N.. Narrative space of former residences in old Beijing city amidst societal transformation. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-02-2019-0035.
² Wang, F.*, Lu, L.J., Xu, L., Wu, B.H., Wu, Y. Alike but Different: Four Ancient Capitals in China and their Destination Images. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-05-2018-0039.
² Wang, F.*, Hu, W.Y., Zhu, Y.C., Jiang, C.Y. The Locality of Beijing Historic Areas from a Dynamic Perspective Based on Geo-tagged Photos. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2019, 5(1): 75-89, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-12-2017-0089.
² Wang, F.*, Xu, Y.Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, X.H.*. Belt or network? The spatial structure and shaping mechanism of the Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(9): 2027-2042, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-017-4767-3.
² Wang, F.*, Jiang, C.Y., Li, W., Li, J.N., Zhu, X.H.. What Changes? What Remains? The Evolution of the Street Networks in Old Beijing City over One Century. Journal of Spatial Science, 2018, 63(2): 203-223, https://doi.org/10.1080/14498596.2018.1479985.
² Wang, F.*, He, J., Jiang, C.Y., Li, Y.X. Evolution of the commercial blocks in ancient Beijing city from the street network perspective. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(6): 845-868, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-018-1509-6.
² Wang, F.*, Li, Y.X., Dong, Y., Zhu, X.H.. Regional difference and dynamic mechanism of locality of the Chinese farming-pastoral ecotone based on geotagged photos from Panoramio. Journal of Arid Land, 2018, 10(2): 316-333, DOI:10.1007/s40333-018-0003-4.
² Wang, F.*, Hu, W.Y., Zhu, Y.C., Jiang, C.Y. The Locality of Beijing Historic Areas from a Dynamic Perspective Based on Geo-tagged Photos. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-12-2017-0089.
² Wang, F.*, He, H., Dong, Y., Xiong, W., Zhu, X.H., He, J.. Shaping or being shaped? Analysis of the locality of landscapes in China’s farming-pastoral ecotone, considering the effects of land use. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74: 41-52, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.07.042.
² Wang, F.*, Li, J.N., Yu, F.Y., He, H., Zhen, F.. Space, function, and vitality in historic areas: The tourismification process and spatial order of Shichahai in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2018, 20: 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2185.
² Wang, F., Mao, W., Dong, Y., Zhu, X.H.*. Implications for Cultural Landscape in a Chinese Context: Geo-analysis of Spatial Distribution of Historic Sites. Chinese Geographical Science, 2018, 28(1): 167-182, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-017-0915-5.
² Li, J.N., Ren, L.Y., Hu, T.H., Wang, F.*. A city’s “urban crack” at 4 a.m.: A case study of morning market vendors in Beijing’s Longfu Temple Area. Habitat International, 2018, 71: 14-21, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2017.10.006.
² Wang, F.*, Ruan, H.T., Wang, H.C., Zong, Y.Q., Zhen, F.. Create, Control and Have Territories or Secret Places: A Comparative Study of Children’s Play Territoriality in Their Daily Outdoor Environments between Beijing’s Urban Villages and Modern Residential Areas. Habitat International, 2017, 66: 125-134, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2017.05.012.
² Wang, F.*. Born of Geographical Environment, Coloring for Regional Context: Concept and Progress of Geo-architecture. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(5): 631-640, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-017-1397-1.
² Wang, F.*, Xu, L., Wang, C.X.. Modern Residential Outdoor Space for Children with their Inter-generational Parents: A Case Study in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016, 2(3): 206-220, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-03-2016-0004.
² Wang, F., Yu, F.Y., Zhu, X.H.*, Pan, X.L., Sun, R.M., Cai, H.R.. Disappearing Gradually and Unconsciously in Rural China: Research on the Sunken Courtyard and the Reasons for Change in Shanxian County, Henan Province. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 630-649, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.05.011.
² Li, J., Wang, F.*, Wuzhati, S., Wen, B.F. Urban or Village Residents? A Case Study of the Spontaneous Space Transformation of the Forced Upstairs Farmers’ Community in Beijing. Habitat International, 2016, 56: 136-146, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.04.009.
² Wang, F.*, Liu, X.Y., Zhang, Y.Y. Spatial Landscape Transformation of Beijing Compounds under Residents’ Willingness. Habitat International, 2016, 55: 167-179, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.03.009.
² Wang, F.*, Peng, Y.Y., Wang, H.C., Yin, Y. Old Walls, Modern City: Research on Urban Memory of Disappearing Ancient Beijing City Walls. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016, 2(1): 29-44, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-11-2015-0029.
² Hao, X.F., Wu, B.H., Morrison, A.M.*, Wang, F. Worth Thousands of Words? Visual Content Analysis and Photo Interpretation of an Outdoor Tourism Spectacular Performance in Yangshuo-Guilin, China. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2016, 27(2): 201-213, https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2015.1082921.
² Wang, F.*, Xue, X.N. and Wang, Y.Y. The Neglected Part in Historic Districts: Case Studies on the Non-heritage Buildings in Two Historic Blocks in Wuxi City, China. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2015(3): 200-215, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-01-2015-0001.
² Wang, F.*, Liu, J., Pan, B., Zhao, L.Y. and Zhang, M.Stuck between the Historic and Modern China: A Case Study of Children’s Space in a Hutong Community. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2012, 32: 59-68, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2011.10.00.
² Leung, X., Wang, F.*, Wu, B.H., Bai, B., Stahura1, K.A. and Xie, Z.H. A Social Network Analysis of Overseas Tourist Movement Patterns in Beijing: the Impact of the Olympic Games. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2012, 14: 469-484, https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.876.
² Leung, X.Y., Wang, F., Wu, B.H., Busser, J.A. Park Users’ Quality Evaluation: Applying an Analytical Hierarchy Process for Managers. Managing Leisure, 2011, 16: 142-160, https://doi.org/10.1080/13606719.2011.559092.
² 汪芳.寰宇东说念主和,万物得宜:从决策视角想考生命共同体——应酬2020新式冠状病毒肺炎突发事件笔谈会.城市决策,2020,网罗首发日历:2020-02-19.
² 孙施文,武廷海,王富海,袁奇峰,张勤,邹兵,李晓江,汪芳,周剑云,王世福,段德罡,汪科,刘奇志,李迅.年会学术对话:活力城乡 好意思好东说念主居.城市决策,2020,44(1):92-98,116.
² 汪芳,王舜奕,PROMINSKI Martin.城镇化与地点性中的水资源:可执续视角的水环境保护行使与水空间决策蓄意.地舆谋划,2018,37(12):2576-2584, DOI:10.11821/dlyj201812018.
² 汪芳,蒋春燕,卫然.文化景不雅安全风景:意见和框架.地舆谋划,2017,36(10):1834-1842.
² 汪芳,吕舟,张兵,张松,董卫,刘沛林,黄震方,吴必虎,陆邵明,徐菲菲,甄峰.搬动中的挂念与乡愁:城乡挂念的演变机制和空间逻辑.地舆谋划,2017,36(1):3-25.
² 汪芳,孙瑞敏.传统墟落的集体挂念谋划——对记录片《记着乡愁》进行履行分析为例.地舆谋划,2015,34(12):2368-2380.
² 汪芳,王彩霞.学前儿童相等隔代陪护者视角的住区水景谋划.中国园林,2015,31(8):67-71.
² 汪芳,刘健,陈旭来.北京城市南北、东西轴线的决策定位与媒体剖析.城市问题,2015,35(7):39-47.
² 汪芳,李薇,PROMINSKI Martin.城镇化和地点性的新龙套、新计谋与新探索——中德双边研讨会会议综述.地舆谋划,2014,33(11):2205-2214.
² 汪芳,吴茜,郁秀峰.北京城市南北轴线与东西轴线的剖析比对.城市问题,2014(4):37-44.
² 汪芳,严琳,熊忻恺,吴必虎.基于旅客剖析的历史地段城市挂念谋划——以北京南锣饱读巷历史地段为例.地舆学报,2012,67(4):545-556.
² 高琨,汪芳*.城市中历史空间与现实场景的对话——以北京城为例.华中建筑,2012,27(10):18-22.
² 汪芳,朱以才.基于交叉学科的地舆学类城市决策训导想考——以社会践诺打听和决策蓄意课程为例.城市决策,2010(7):53-61.
² 汪芳,王颖莹,朱震峻.无锡专类园的城市功能谋划.中国园林,2010,26(6):80-83.
² 汪芳,严琳,吴必虎.城市挂念决策谋划——以北京市宣武区为例.国际城市决策,2010,25(1):71-76,87.
² 汪芳,黄晓辉,俞曦.旅游地地点感的旅客剖析谋划.地舆学报,2009,64(10):1267-1277.
² 汪芳,俞曦.城市园林游憩举止评价及“生机相反-体验水平”解决模式——以无锡为例.地舆谋划,2008,27(5):1059-1070.
² 汪芳,郝小斐.基于头绪分析法的乡村旅游地社区参与景况评价——以北京市平谷区黄松峪乡雕窝村为例.旅游学刊,2008,23(8):52-57.
² 汪芳.用“活态博物馆”解读历史街区——以无锡古运河历史文化街区为例.建筑学报,2007(12):82-85.
² 汪芳,刘钊,彭晓,徐怡怡.发明专利称号“一种基于网罗数据的跨区域文化景不雅间功能结构决策表率”.专利授权国中国.专利号201810605200.8.
² 汪芳,刘钊,贺靖.发明专利称号“基于空间句法的城市交通与交易空间计划的忖度表率”.专利苦求国中国.专利授权国中国.专利号201811099483.X.